Thank you for your gift as you Sponsor any program or child, Through your generosity, your gift strengthens us to do God’s work in these extraordinary times .we will be able to continue engaging Christ's people for his work in Uganda.

Your partnership means a great deal to us. Should you desire to make automatic recurring gifts to the ministry, please call/whats app our office at+256778450844 or email us; God's blessings to you,

Donation Information Amount:

  • monthly child sponsorship for at risk or double orphan$50 
  • medical camp
  • New springs of Hope School $1000 monthly to cater for staff salaries.
  • Discipleship and evangelism 
  • Thank You for Being Our Partner.

Contact Us

You can choose to send monthly or one-time gifts. If you are interested in sponsoring a specific child at $50 (USD) per month.