Donate to Trades of Of New Hope.

Change the course of a child’s life today.

As a child sponsor, you can provide a child in south western Uganda ( Africa) with the precious gift of a quality education and the opportunity to fulfil their potential. One dollar per day saved on your daily expenses can brings a big impact to a child in need. A monthly donation of  $35 takes a child in school or $50 monthly for the most neediest child.

you can use the following details to pass on your donation


cellphone;  +16303130912

Venmo :

For  Organizations/ Companies wishing to support can use the following details to wire their transfer to Uganda directly;

credit account/IBAN no: 60062444422






fill in your details

Our Child Sponsorship program is a great way of supporting this work . It will give them a real chance in life. You will receive the following;

Information about the child you sponsor, their name and a photo. Regular updates as to how your child is doing and updated news about them.

A regular letter or postcard from your child. ''Together we can Save these children and help them build a future ''.

Sponsorship is a back borne of bringing new hopes to the children in our ministry. We believe that impacting and equipping these children is a way of transforming the future generation. For A monthly donation of  $35 takes a child in school or $50 monthly for the most neediest child, these children get an education, nourishing food, medical care, Discipleship, Love and Hope for a better future. We are currently looking for well wishers to support them monthly. Feel blessed to select a choice of your loved child from the pictures below. Let it be you, church, an individual, company, you are all welcome.

AIDS in Uganda and Civil wars in neighboring countries of DRC, Rwanda,South Sudan has left so many children orphans and without a family or home. By making a monthly donation, you can help these forgotten children to feel safe again. Escalating violence in democratic republic of Congo in recent years up to today, conservation of forests has forced hundreds of thousands of people from their homes and forests, including many Congolese who fled to Kisoro, fearing for their lives. Batwa are one of them. they fled after their homes were burnt to the ground and their mothers, fathers killed. Conditions outside their countries and forest are incredibly difficult and children are particularly vulnerable. They have lost the families who loved them. A gift to trades of New hope Uganda is not only about taking care of children’s basic needs. By giving regularly, you can help them to recover from trauma, grief and build hope for the future. its our duty as staff of Trades of New Hope Uganda to use all the available resources to share with them the good news of Jesus Christ. What's happening in this communities? The people are struggling to cope with the rising needs, Many displaced pygmies from Kisoro, Rubanda, Kabale, Kanungu and Ntungamo remain in the country, surviving on the Roads begging, doing heavy work to earn a living. Supplies are dwindling. Families are in desperate need of food supplies, clean water and medical care. The situation has worsened with recent conservation of forests for Game Parks affecting these people resulting and making a shift along roads and forcing people to move to other areas. We need to act now.

Laban, the managing director shares a message of hope to Orphans in Uganda