LABAN BIRYOMUMEISHO pictured above with his Wife DIANAH is the managing Director of the organization in Uganda. He has a well vast experience of working with marginalized and underprivileged people (widows, orphans, street children) since his high school in 2009 up to date, thus able and capable of leading teams of passionate harvesters in Uganda to bring many people to Christ mostly those living in remote areas of Kigezi region (Kabale, kisoro, Rubanda, Kanungu, Ntungamo, Rukungiri) and Kyenjojo. He  holds a Master's Degree in Business Administration ( amanagement) of Kabale University, a bachelors degree of Business administration from Uganda christian University and a certificate in Leadership, Evangelism and Discipleship.

his wife Dianah is a student of Masters in Bio-Chemistry, holds a bachelors degree of biology and chemistry, teaches in a public secondary school at Rugorra s.s.

Laban is also currently serving as;

1.Board member of Mugyera senior secondary school a Christian founded school by diocese of kigezi.

2. Board member kishanje highlands highschool.

3. The District Male representative of Bufundi-subcounty at the district level.

4. Founding director, New springs of hope prep school.

 5. He is the appointed Representative of NGOs to the Town Council Child Well being Committee (T.C.W.C) of Rubanda Town council and Bufundi sub county in Rubanda District.

 6.  F3 Kabale, Uganda Nantans. He is credited to have initiated the F3 program. F3 stands for fitness, fellowship and Faith.

He is based in Uganda where he stays with his family; they are involved in evangelism and development issues in south western Uganda, East Africa. He enjoys his time with the children, men and women, strategizing on how to build relationships with children and their parents so as to win them for Christ. We partner with individuals, local and international churches and organization, companies that are committed to winning souls for Christ in the rural communities in Uganda.


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Laban  below shares Gods word with highschool students beneficiaries below and right in the picture launching of a water well.


Laban, the M.D sharing the good news from the Bible with beneficiaries after receiving Covid-19 emergency relief food donations pictured below, July 2020

Matthew 25:35-40NIV; 35 For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, 36 I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.